Wednesday 09/18/96 "... take an event that stands out on your path in life, step back, and try to describe it using a metaphor from nature." * What would if I do if I got rich? 1) Would take psychoology classes in college (change of career would no longer matter, if money is no object). 2) Would pay off my parent's house (whoa, a impulse) 3) Would visit expensive seminars, like the ones Anthony Robbins runs. 4) Would buy tons of books and cassetes on psychology. 5) Would get a fast internet access. 6) Would open a moped/goped/scooter dealership. Tuesday 09/24/96 Idea - when I have a desire that does not serve my best interest, acknowledge it, but do not act on it. * There is always something to do, because when I feel like doing nothing for a long time, tons of things pile up, including some interesting and useful ones. When I return to them, time flies, mental free association starts working and other interesting tasks arise. Wednesday 09/25/96 In a dictatorship, a lot of people help one to hide his low self-esteem. Thursday 09/26/96 When something unpleasant (like dentist appointment) is scheduled, I can find pleasure in the fact that the date is still long time away. And once it's done, while the impressions are fresh - enjoy the fact that it's over with. Positive use of past and future for the purpose of improving the mood. This reminds me of my college days, when I would regularly feel joy, because the finals were long time away. * They way of the Dark Side - pinpoint somebody who's creating your problems, call him evil, master enough anger and strike! Ultimately, destroy. Then, wonder, why I feel so bad and why the problem is still here. Friday 09/27/96 When I feel that my work has lost it's meaning and purpose, I don't want to admit it, so I create a false pressure, pretend importance, nervousness, rush and overload. All these side effects are not as unpleasant as a thought that I am wasting my golden years in a wrong place. * Kings leave, mountains crumble, civilizations die and get reborn, but Love is eternal. Love is what keeps the world going and without it, the world would be not worth creating. * "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity". |